Every week I get random emails from Deseret Book advertising new books. I usually don't pay much attention to these - until this past week. This week when I briefly looked over the email sent I noticed a name that stuck out. That name was Dr. Angela Yetman, who is my heart specialist. She had written the foreword for a new book written by Paul Cardall entitled "Before My Heart Stops". I was draw to read the few bits of info on the book since I think so highly of Dr. Yetman. It was then that I felt very impressed to read this book. I felt so strongly about it that I quickly ran over to Deseret Book at 8:45 p.m. and quickly picked it up. Now, that is so not my thing. I like to ponder every expense I make so to jump up and get it the moment I see it advertised is very un-Cary like. But Heavenly Father prompts us for reasons He knows, and He knew I needed to read that book.
Before My Heart Stops is a memoir by a man named Paul Cardall. Paul was born with congenital heart disease, which means he was born with a severe heart defect. This book is based upon a blog Paul kept while he waited over a year for a heart transplant. What an inspiring story this book shares!!
I needed to read Paul's story. I do not face a heart transplant - thank goodness! - but it is hard waiting and wondering for an outcome. Paul shares many words of wisdom that I can relate to and I am very grateful for them! Some such things are these: #1 - Patience is more than just waiting. Waiting is being lazy. Patience is waiting while still giving of yourself. #2 - To deny others to serve you is to cheat them out of joy. It is always easier to serve than to be served, but allowing yourself to be served strengthens character. #3 - Live for today and not for what could be. So many people waste countless hours thinking that when certain events or other various things occur they will suddenly be happy. I am a huge believer that you can't wait for tomorow to be happy. Happiness is a daily choice. Paul's thoughts about this issue reminded me that I can't put everything on hold until I get better. I need to live today for today. And #4 - Attitude is everything! I have always been a huge advocate of attitude. I believe your attitude determines the outcome your life. You cannot control what happens to you but you can control your attitude about it. Reading Paul's story reminded me of the importance of hope and how hope affects your attitude. We all need hope and we all need a positive attitude - those two attributes will get you very far in life!
Thanks to Paul for sharing such a wonderful story! I believe many lives will be enriched as a result. I truly admire his ability to share such a personal struggle with others. I know that that would be a hard thing for me to do.
Congenital Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in children. As I have been up at Primary Children's Medical Center I have noticed many children who are very sick. I feel very humbled to have the health I do. Yes, I do have congenital heart disease but overall my health is good. I am grateful for all I have been blessed with and have hope for a bright future.
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